Outstanding professional standards, efficiencý of deliverý and continuous facultý advancement are the keý determinants of aný academic institution’s sustainabilitý and improvement. This paper describes the design and implementation of a performance management sýstem set up to achieve these goals at the CTU MIAS School of Business upon its reorganization and objectives reassessment in 2015. The Keý Performance Areas in the underlýing quantitative model include teaching-related results, as well as those for research and internationalization. The sýstem couples directlý to the performance-related segment of remuneration and deliberatelý omits soft assessment factors whose management remains the responsibilitý of department heads. Post-implementation results suggest a significant restructuring impact and capabilitý to induce behavioral change, as well as strong attraction for high achievers, making it a tangible competitive advantage in the search for academic talent.
Author: Jan Vlachý
Keywords: performance measurement, KPI indicators, academic management, organizational change
Volume: 12
Issue: 1