Abstract: The issue of e-marketing communication is currently very topical since today, in the time of the rapid development of digitization processes caused by the coronavirus crisis, it is an important part of business operation. As a result, it is important for businesses to consider which strategy to choose in order to achieve a long-term prosperity. Nowadays, the cooperation with influences is highly effective, since by means of sharing and recommendations on social platforms, they may present a given product or service to the public. The objective of the paper was to determine the criteria for the optimal selection of a candidate to represent a business in the online environment. In order to achieve the objective, there was used a dataset consisting of 504 representatives engaged in influencer activities at the beginning of the year 2020, when the first wave of the Covid pandemic appeared in the Czech Republic. The data were processed using the mathematical methods – Sturges rule and calculation of the width of the interval in order to divide the criteria according to the frequency. Based on the results, businesses are recommended to choose based on the data on the number of Comments and reactions from the influencers´ followers. The benefit of the given research in practice is mainly in determining the marketing strategy and in applying the identified criteria in the decision-making process concerning the selection of the most suitable online representative. The proposed methodology enables the businesses to optimize the costs of the promotion of their products, services, and brand itself.
Authors: Bohdana Lukach, Yaroslava Kostiuk
Keywords: innovations, marketing communication, consumer, influencer, marketing
Volume: 15
Issue: 1