Littera Scripta (Economics, Corporate Finance, Finance and Valuation)
ISSN 1805-9112 (Online)
Littera Scripta was founded in 2008. It is a scientific journal published electronically and in the English language by the Faculty of Corporate Strategy of the Institute of Technology and Economics in České Budějovice. In 2010, it was included in the list of reviewed non-impacted periodicals published in the Czech Republic. In November 2015, Littera Scripta was included in the databases CEJSH and ERIH PLUS.
The journal focuses on publishing scientific studies in the fields of economics, corporate finance, finance and valuation.
The journal strives to create a broad platform for exchanging ideas, experiences, and gaining new knowledge from research and creative activities. Its readership mainly includes employees of university and non-university higher education institutions as well as the employees of scientific institutions.
Instructions for authors
Articles published in Littera Scripta are in accordance with the valid “Methodology of assess the performance of research organizations” classified as “ Jneimp “ – original/review articles in an expert periodical, which is included in the database ERIH (it was replaced by ERIH PLUS).
Review procedure:
- On delivery, the editors check the formal requirements of the contributions.
- Contributions that meet the formal requirements are sent to the Internal Editorial Board for approval. The members of the Internal Editorial Board are required to express their opinion within seven days. If the majority of the members support the contribution then it is accepted for review.
- Editors assign two reviewers who do not work in the same workplace as the contribution’s author. Upon delivering the review opinions, editors can a) submit the contribution to the journal, b) return it for completion, or c) reject its publication.
Length: At least 8 standard pages, the manuscript should not exceed 15 standard pages (1 standard page = 1800 characters including space character). In special cases it is possible to accept manuscripts exceeding the maximum number of standard pages.
Form: Electronic; manuscripts shall be sent in the .docx, .doc formats, and shall be sent by e-mail on the address of the journal editor-in-chief:
Language: The only language accepted is English.
Deadline: The deadline for the first issue is the 30 June. The deadline for the second issue is 30 November. The issue is published within two months after the deadline.
Formal structure and layout of the manuscript is based on the template: See Appendix I. The template must be strictly followed!
The citations which are included in the text must comply with the ISO 690 citation standard valid from March 2011. Citations in footnotes are not allowed; they must always be used in the text. Each literary source listed in the Bibliography must be cited in the text and vice versa!
All manuscripts are expected to include references to the latest studies and findings from the journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. Each manuscript shall include no fewer than 10 such resources. The Czech sources used must be translated into English in square brackets.
Structure of manuscript:
Title of the manuscript – short and informative.
The author´s full name (including the full name(s) of the co-author(s)), without academic degrees, can be indexed.
Work position of the author / authors (name of the institution + faculty / department).
Abstract – summarization of research objectives and goals, and a short description of the results. Length 900 – 1300 characters (including space character).
Keywords – 4–7 words or expressions; precise, separated by commas, small first letters; no full stop after the last word.
Introduction – it includes the objective of the study and its purpose, brief summarization of the current state of the topic or its specifics, citation of works on the same topics (especially the latest works).
Materials and methods – it contains a description of the data collection process, selection of methodology and justification of the methods selected (this can be connected with their implementation).
Results – it contains a precise and objective description of the research results. The text must be accompanied with graphs, tables, and other background data.
Discussion – it contains the interpretation of the results achieved in the context of current science and knowledge in the related disciplines, including the discussion on possible reservations or objections.
Conclusion – it contains the summarization of the materials and methods used, and basic features focused on new findings.
Bibliography – Only the actually cited sources are given. These must be both listed in the Bibliography and used in the text. The bibliographic records must comply with the current ISO 690 standard valid from March 2011. The sources are listed in the alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author. It is possible to add DOI after ISSN. The examples are given in Annex 2 – see below. At least 10 sources indexed in Web of Science or Scopus databases must be included.
Address of the author / authors: name and surname including all academic degrees, department, faculty, work place, address – street, post code and town, country, e-mail.
Technical arrangement of manuscripts:
The manuscripts are accepted in a form processed by a text editor, preferably by MS Word (or an editor fully compatible with MS Word), in accordance with the following arrangements and modifications:
- Paper size: A4.
- All borders: 2.5 cm.
- Font size: in accordance with the template.
- Line spacing: Multiples of 1.15.
- Spaces before and after: 6 points.
- Title of the manuscript, abstract and keywords, names of the author(s) NOT in capital letters.
- Text and annexes (tables, graphs, etc.) must be processed using SI units (ČSN 01 1300)
- Abbreviations are used only if the abbreviation is internationally valid. The abbreviation must be explained with its first use. It is not recommended to use abbreviations in the title of the work.
- Latin words are written in italics, not in bolds, including in the title of the manuscript.
- Distinguish between a dash ( – ) and hyphen (-). Hyphen is used to express a number range (5-11 years, 1918-1948), and to express that the expressions connected form a whole (technical-economic, etc.). Dash is used as a symbol for minus or as a dash in the text.
- For number, use “ , “ to separate thousands (e.g. 48,720 EUR). For decimal numbers, use decimal point (0.85).
- There is no space character between % and a number (e.g. 55%).
- Equations, formulas, and mathematical symbols should be set by the equations editor (mathematical symbols). All formulas must be numbered in the ascending order, and must be centred.
- The breakdown of items is uniform – see the template for manuscripts.
- Use “Bind to next” and “Insert a page break” instead of using Enter.
Tables, figures and graphs:
The width of a table must not exceed 125 mm. Only table grid is allowed. The title is placed above the table. Additional information is given below the table (before the source) in the following format: “Note: XXX.”
Graphs should be created using Microsoft Office (Excel, Microsoft Graph). The width of a graph or figure must not exceed 125 mm. The number and name of a figure or graph must be written above them. Figures and graphs created using other programmes and inserted as objects must meet the following criteria:
– data and descriptions in the graph must be written using the font size not higher than 10.
– do not use 3-D graphs that are illegible. One-dimensional graphs are recommended.
– figures and graphs are not framed.
- Name of a table is given in the following format: “Tab. 1:“, while the names of figures or graphs are given as follows: ”Figure 1:“, or “Graph 1:“.
- In tables, font size 10 is used. In special cases, smaller font size can be used.
- Numeric values in the tables shall be aligned to the right.
- Tables should not be split into multiple pages (only in the case of longer tables; however, these are not recommended).
- All tables, figures and graphs must be referred to in the text.
- Source is always indicated by a capital letter (first letter) with a full stop at the end (e.g. “Source: Name of the source.”
- Figures and graphs must be of good quality, the labels must be clearly visible, not blurred.
- Tables are blocked, figures and graphs are centred.
- No title (including the names of tables, figures or graphs) must be at the end of a page.
- Do not duplicate graphs and tables. If they provide the same information, choose the one which is more suitable and concise.
Do not use colours in tables. Colours can be used in graphs and figures.
Proofreading: All authors are responsible for the use of proper language and grammar. Editors perform language checks and proofread the texts. A modified text is always returned to the author prior to publication for the author’s approval.
Statement of authorship: I declare on my honour that I have written the uploaded contribution myself using the sources therein listed and with the application of methods recognised in the scientific and pedagogical spheres. By sending the document, I accept full responsibility for any falsities that are in breach of this declaration or of the Copyright Act and that I am fully aware of the consequences that might result from such a breach, including financial compensation for damage caused to the reputation of the Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject contributions that do not meet the instructions for authors or which breach ethical principles, the law, and in particular the Copyright Act.
The Editorial Board also reserves the right to request evidence from the authors of the ownership of copyrights to accompanying photographs and images. The ownership of copyrights to photographs or images used for publication in Littera Scripta may be proven by an affidavit, a contract evidencing ownership or by written consent from the owner of the copyrights.